Etusivu Seminaariohjelma The Urban Landscape: a spatial-ecological perspective

The Urban Landscape: a spatial-ecological perspective

5.2.2025 klo 12.10–13
ORANSSI POLKU / Matthew Dennis

Urbanization is a complex process that shapes social and ecological systems. The European Commission cites environmental degradation as one of the key challenges implied by urbanization (the others being housing, mobility and provision of services, urban health and ageing, and inequalities and social segregation). This talk will focus on the unique
challenges faced by ecologists, city planners, local communities and wildlife as the human world becomes increasingly urban.

These challenges are unique both in the sense that they differ from those specific to other land-use contexts, but also in that they vary according to the perspectives of the different human and non-human communities that inhabit urban areas. Ensuring the resilient delivery of ecosystem services vital to societal well-being, effectively mitigating the impacts of climate
change and protecting biodiversity represent critical demands being asked of the natural environment within and surrounding urban areas. How can nature continue to deliver such benefits under continued pressure from urbanization and how can trade-offs be successfully navigated?

In this presentation, we will explore this issue from two key perspectives. Firstly, employing a spatial lens, we will look at how the composition and configuration of natural habitats along urban-rural gradients can affect processes important to people and wildlife at a range of scales. Then, we will consider the need for inter-disciplinary thinking in order to understand how social-ecological feedbacks interact across space to determine positive and negative outcomes for nature and society.

Finally, we will evaluate the opportunities and challenges associated with combining these perspectives towards a more integrated landscape ecology.